Communications will become increasingly more difficult as we learn to travel farther out into space. Already there are time delays from as close as the moon. Mars to Earth communication estimates a 20 minute plus delay.
Sending data and messages piggyback on an encoded laser beam still only achieves a speed of light velocity of communications. Which means that talking between colonies lightyears away will take years!
Theories using black hole compression suggest a skipping over of much of this space and could lessen the time it takes to send and receive messages. Placing satellite booster plants near black holes and directing messages to and through the space animalities vast amounts of time could be saved.
The new difficulty, not that finding and using a black hole, or creating one, is easy but, would be navigating or directing the signals in the proper directions.
The physics behind all this is way beyond me but let that not stop me from writing about it as if it was possible.
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