The Gates series follows another of the colonization theories. Adam Steltzner first began the exploration into wormholes and his grandson, Rory, worked out the math and convinced the Trevett family to invest in the wormhole transportation idea.
The site for the gate was opposite the Trolli project in another of the Larange focal points past Mars. They drew raw ore from the asteroid mines and smelted the framework of the Trevett Gate to meet the specifications of Rory’s new mineral, Newtrensic.
The way Newtrinsic reacts with bombarded radiation causes a contraction of matter at such a rate that a black hole opens up briefly pulling any matter into and through it to regions lightyears away.
Another drawback to the process is the compression inside the wormhole. Building a craft that can withstand the pressure slowed the project down for years until another bright scientist had the idea to invert two worm holes to press against each other opening a passageway with little change in the pressure.
Once the difficulties were worked out, the Butterfly Trevett Gate was born. There were many probes sent to learn how to navigate the BTGs and stabilizing them took years.
Then the expansion began. Gate construction was standardized and the disassembled pieces were passed through the gates to farther and farther destinations, eventually reaching and passing the worlds of the sleeper ships.
The ends of the galaxy were in sight and Earth methodically pressed into the vast emptiness.