The story of the Great Flood, or Deluge, is one which appears in the religious stories of many different faiths. It is also a story that appears in Greek mythology, where it is a tale particularly associated with the survival of Deucalion and Pyrrha.
The final straw for Zeus was said to have been the actions of King Lycaon, for the Arcadian king had killed and served up one of his own sons as a meal, in order that the powers of Zeus could be tested. Lycaon and his remaining sons were turned into wolves by Zeus, but the supreme god also decided that it was time for the Bronze Age to come to an end. Zeus decided that the manner of the extinction of man would come in the form of a great flood. Deucalion was warned about the plans of Zeus by his father Prometheus; for Prometheus was the Titan of Foresight. Thus, Deucalion and Pyrrha constructed a ship, or giant chest, and provisioned it with food and water. When Zeus decided the moment was right, Zeus shut away the North Wind, Boreas, and let Notus, the South Wind, bring forth rain; the goddess Iris feeding the rain clouds with water. On the earth, the Potamoi were given free rein to flood the land, breaking their banks in numerous places. Water levels rose, and soon the whole world was covered in water, and man was virtually wiped out. At the same time, animals and birds also died, for there was nowhere for them to find sanctuary either, and only the sea life flourished. Deucalion and Pyrrha though survived, for as the water levels rose, they boarded their ship and floated away from Thessaly.