Everyday items you may find in your suitcase or bathroom also may have more possible uses than you think. Again, feel free to add to and share any ideas you have or have heard of.
Hygiene Products
Band aides
Band aides are like little bits of tape so anything you may use tape for a band aide may be a substitute. They can also double as buffers, eyeglass nosepieces, blister prevention, wire insulators, door clasps, and seam repair. They come in many shapes and sizes so try to carry a good mixture to choose from. Let your imagination go.
Dental Floss
In a land without dentist offices, keeping your teeth clean is a necessity most people can ignore, but an infected tooth can kill you just as easily as dehydration or injury. For this reason, it’s worthwhile to keep dental floss with you, but there are a few other uses, too. In addition to helping you maintain your dental health; dental floss is strong enough to be used to bind objects together like sticks to build a makeshift shelter. They can also be used to make snares for catching small animals or as a fishing line. Dental floss can also be used to hang food or clothes, to stitch wounds, to make a net and to mend clothing. You can suture a wound with dental floss, just make sure you don’t use the flavored varieties. There are non-first-aid uses too, like making a small game snare, too.
This absorbent feminine hygiene item can be used to dress wounds, filter out debris in water, as a survival straw filter. If you remove the string you will find the remaining material is an incredible source of kindling. These are the wonder tool of your new first aid kit. The string on a tampon can be used as a wick in any oil type candle/light. Allow the string to soak up the oil or fat and then light.
A tampon can stop a bloody nose, aid in absorbing blood from a medium-sized wound, and help with absorption just about anywhere on the body. Sanitary napkins are great as pressure dressings.
Toilet Paper
File this under something you don’t respect until it’s gone, toilet paper is a definite necessity, that’s for sure. Above it’s intended use, you can use toilet paper for bandage creation if you’re in a pinch as well as use pieces to apply medicine and even twist to use as a wick for a candle. You can’t do too much first-aid in the dark, now can you?
You can use multiple junk towels stitched together to make a blanket, you can shove them under doors to keep drafts out, and when ripped into strips, they can be used as splint ties, tourniquets, and even bandages.
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