Pie Crust
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Pie crust is a need to know for any desert but can be a part of many main course dishes as well. Learning to make a flaky and tasty crust is a true mark of a good cook.
The Easy Flaky Pie Crust
Pie crust is something that can be used in all kinds of ways. Making a standard pie crust is something that isn’t as easy as it seems. This takes practice but following this recipe should get you well on your way.
1 1/4 cups unbleached all-purpose flour
1/4 teaspoon salt
3 Tablespoons coconut oil (in solid form)
2 Tablespoons plus 1 teaspoon solid (unsalted) butter
1 Tablespoon (raw organic) apple cider vinegar
3 Tablespoons cold water
Heat the oven to 425 degrees.
In medium bowl, mix flour and salt together. The more even the blend the
better. Using a pastry blender (see picture) or a fork, cut in butter and coconut oil until the flour mixture resembles coarse crumbs. Don’t try to get it super smooth the crumbly look is what we’re after.
Add the apple cider vinegar (secrete ingredient for flaky crust) and mix in thoroughly. Carefully add the water (1 tablespoon at a time) until a ball of dough forms. I mix this part by hand to squish it all together. – You don’t want it to be sticky, kind of play doughy.
Using a rolling pin, roll out the dough on a generously floured surface (the flour keeps it from sticking, flour your rolling pin to) until its a few inches larger than your pie plate – 4-5 inches larger is a good goal. You may have to flip the crust to re-flour your surface and the crust to prevent it sticking to the surface and your rolling pin.
Once you have your pie crust rolled out, lightly flour the top of it and carefully roll it up, loosely, or fold it into quarters. Then gently lift it and unroll it into your pie plate.
Gently flute (fold the excess dough under itself) even with the pan. Now you can crimp the edges with your fingers or use a fork to mark the edge.
If you want a crust for a pie filling that doesn’t have to baked, you are now ready to bake the crust.
While the oven is heating, prick the bottom (poke some holes in it) and sides of your crust generously with a fork. This will prevent the crust from rising in the middle, causing peaks and valleys in your crust.
Bake the pie crust for 10 minutes, until your crust is light, golden brown, or to your desired doneness. If you want a pie crust for a pie that will be filled and then baked just roll the dough into your pie plate, flute the edges, and then fill and bake as directed in your pie recipe.
All of our recipies can be found by clicking the recipie book below.
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